Pinterest: Collect and Organize Your Ideas! πŸ“±πŸ“Œ

Hello everyone!

I would like to talk about a very useful online platform that is called Pinterest. Pinterest is an online pinboard that allows people to pin useful websites or all the other interesting visuals. On Pinterest, you can build boards (pages) and pin websites, pictures, texts, and graphics onto your boards. You can also view boards created by other pinners and put their pins on your boards. I think Pinterest is a brilliant resource for education and it is not only for teachers but also for learners. If you're a teacher you could use it to gather resources from across the web and keep them on your boards to use whenever you need them. It works like a perfect resource bank to store your resources, ideas, and everything! It can also be really useful for creating a group board for a class, (you can even make this private if you want to) where students can share their own creations and collect their own resources so it could create a sense of community and engagement within a classroom. Pinterest is a great way to organize your ideas and share them with other educators. I think it is a powerful visual tool that inspires creativity and ideas. You can also use Pinterest as a search engine to collect language learning or teaching resources which would be really fun!
If you want to get some more idea, you should definitely check my Pinterest board here

Also, I would like to share the infographic that I created about Pinterest with you! An infographic is a collection of imagery, charts, and minimal text that gives an easy-to-understand overview of a topic. Infographics usually use striking, engaging visuals to communicate information quickly and clearly. I created my Pinterest infographic by using "Piktochart". It was an easy-to-use tool and I enjoyed using my creativity with different visuals and colors!


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