My Storybook - An Online Tool to Create Picture Books πŸ“–πŸŽ¨

 My Storybook  - An Online Tool to Create Picture Books

My Storybook is an online web tool that children can use to demonstrate their creativity and reading knowledge in a unique and fun way. Students can create storybooks by adding characters, pictures, drawings, and texts. So, the main aim of this website creating an online storybook that is easy to access and use. Students can create their own version of the story they heard before or they can create their own story with a new plot, new characters, and a new setting. Also, students can share their stories with other students or their teachers by publishing or sending the link via e-mail.

So, when you click on create a storybook button the first page is going to take you to the title page where you can click on the text and you can edit whatever you want your title to be and then if you click enter you can add the author and then by clicking the next arrow you can start making the first page of your story. There are different types of settings that you can have for the background of your story pages and then you'll see the items section which has different types of characters, objects, animal food, furniture that you can add to your story. You can also upload your own images if you don't find anything that you like out of the given options. When you click on a character you can change the size of the character, the skin/hair/eyes color, etc. but also children can get creative and draw their own pictures and illustrations by choosing one of the different tools and lastly students can add text for narration or dialogue between characters in the story by going to text and they can start typing and write the story they want. That's how you create the first page of your story and then you can add more pages if you wish to.



I think that My Storybook is a great way for students to demonstrate their understanding of key elements in a text. The text category allows students to add text to rewrite the story in their own words or make up their own stories by using new words that they learn or remember. Also, the stories published in the My Storybook gallery have an edit option that will allow students to edit a copy of a story. So, teachers can create a story template and share with their students for them to follow this template and create their own stories. I think one of the drawbacks of this site is limited visual options because it limits the creativity for designing a more variety of storybooks with different kinds of visuals. So, I think that’s why My Storybook could be more suitable for elementary school students because students who are in older age can get bored easily with these kinds of limited options. However, I think My Storybook is a great tool for young learners to practice writing skills and creative storytelling in a fun and creative way.


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